Thinking about the more than 1,000 teens in Arkansas foster care can be overwhelming, but when you drill down to your specific county, the numbers get much smaller, and it becomes easier to see how your community can really make an impact. The good news is there are many different ways one can volunteer.
Opening up the door of Transportation
From getting back and forth to practice or to a doctor’s appointment, like all teens, those in foster care live busy lives. We want to make sure that lack of transportation does not hold back one of our teens from participating and growing through extracurricular activities or other important supportive opportunities.
Offering the Encouragement of a Mentor
Helping to partner a child with a caring mentor who can send cards of encouragement throughout the year or be there for birthdays, ball games, dance recitals, or on days when the child just need to hear a friendly voice on the phone is an important way we can make a difference.
Providing Small Joys that Make Lifetime Memories
Participating in fun activities, such as a back-to-school shopping, a weekend camping trip or a Razorback Sporting event is something many take for granted, but for many of these foster children.
Giving of Resources
The work of Becky’s Kids would not be possible without our faithful donors. We are always welcoming of donations of any amount – every dollar makes a difference.
Sharing Everyday Life Skills and Experiences
Are you a builder, a banker, a nurse or homemaker? Whatever your job or passion, these kids need you. From job shadowing to learning how to balance a checkbook to baking a tasty dish, these simple life lessons are indeed big when it comes to building the brightest future possible. It also is someone giving the teen the most precious gift of their time.